Orchid Care for
Your First

here |
blooms were irresistable. So you purchased your first orchid, brought
home, and now what do you do!
Caring For
Your First Orchid
don't need a
of attention and they're
tougher than you think. In fact the quickest way to kill an orchid is
over doing it. So don't try to make everything perfect - your plant
will be just fine.
Understanding a few plant care basics will get you on the right track
however. Orchid care
isn't difficult, it's just different. |
Should I Put My New Orchid?
If your new plant is flowering, display it wherever it looks best;
kitchen counter, dining
room table, etc.. Your plant is in its "Blooming Season" and it has all
the energy it needs to push out more flowers and it doesn't need sun at
this point. In fact,
flowers last longer away
from direct sun. Cool
temperatures also make flowers last longer - think of how a florist
keeps their flowers fresh in a cooler.
Do I Water My New
This is the tricky part.
Is it too wet? Is it too dry? What holds water .... what doesn't?
Watering orchids can be
a mystery!
Sidebar: Our hydroponic system takes all the guesswork out of watering.
A water gauge tells you
when and how much to water. We have to wait until your plant is
finished blooming before we can transplant
it hydroponics however.
Correct watering means you want to establish a definite
for your plant. So, when you water, you can't over do it. Knowing how
to wait between waterings (the dry cycle) is the challenge.
The best method I have found for watering (no matter what it's
in) is soaking the plant in the sink for a couple of hours. Don't
worry, you
can't over do it.
First, make sure the grow pot has a hole in the bottom for
drainage. If your plant is in a decorative container, it
an inner grow pot. Remove the plant and inner grow
pot from the decorative container.
Take your plant to the sink and water it throughly. Pour water over the
roots until it runs out the bottom of
the pot. Repeat a second time. You can even let your plant sit
in water for a couple of hours. Never, ever allow your
plant to be sittting in water for days and days however.
After a thorough watering, put your plant back in it's decorative
container and reurn it to its display spot. Now, wait until your plant
is completely dry before rewatering. How long this takes can vary from
couple of days to 2-3 weeks depending on what type of media your orchid
is growing in.
growing in
bark (or stuff that looks like bark) will probably need water every 5-7 days..
growing in
moss need water only once every
two weeks!
As you can see, it takes a green thumb to water orchids growing in
traditional media. Don't worry, watering will be easy with our
Hydroponic System. We eliminate
all those mysterious potting materials and our system even has a water
gauge that tells you when (and how much) to water!
You need to wait until flowering is finished before transplanting
however. |

growing in bark

growing in moss |
Long Will My Flowers Last?
Don't expect your plant to keep blooming
forever. Fading blooms that shrivel up and fall off does not mean your
plant is dying, it's simply completing its bloom cycle.
Some flowers last only a week, others last up to 2
months. It
depends on the type of orchid and how long it's been blooming before
you bought it.
Occasionally, new orchids will drop all their flowers the moment you
bring them home. That's certainly disappointing but it doesn't mean
your plant is dying. It's had a long journey from the grower
to your house (sometimes half way around the world!) and it's probably
many difficult situations along the
way. Your new plant is simply having a hard
time adjusting.
In this case, cut back the flower stem (all the way back to the base of
plant) to start the growing cycle all over. |
Will My Plant Bloom Again?
That depends on what type of orchid it is. Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchids)
flower once a year, usually in late fall/early winter. Dendrobium,
Cattleya, and Oncidium bloom 1-2 times
a year. Some bloom in winter, others bloom in summer.
To get your new plant to bloom again is going to take a little know
how. Don't worry, it's not difficult - if you know what to do.
prepared - sooner or later you're
going to
need to learn some basic orchid names.
orchid kingdom has over 30,000 different plants. How do you make sense
of all those Latin names and abreviations? It's not difficult, I show
you how at Orchid
Names For Beginners.